Conservation Drone Services - Aerial Applications using drones South Carolina

About us

Conservation Drone Services

CDS specializes in drone applications of herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Applying these chemicals by air has major benefits versus applying them by ground. Our drone has a granular spreader that can hold up to 100lbs. Depending on multiple factors, our drones can spray between 20-40 acres per hour.

CDS has two spray drones and a multispectral drone. Our multispectral drone gives us the benefit to map our spray area beforehand. Our fast-charging generator allows us to fly our drones continuously without stopping. Our spray drone also has a camera that we can use to spot spray on designated areas.

Forestry, ponds, duck impoundments, golf courses and agricultural fields are just a few of the many examples CDS can spray or spread for.

CDS is fully insured, completely licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration, and have all our chemical licenses from the state of South Carolina.

Conservation Drone Services - Aerial Applications using drones South Carolina

We would love to schedule a demonstration to show you our drone capabilities!

Conservation Drone Services - Aerial Applications using drones South Carolina

Aerial Applications

Seedling Survival Studies

Conservation Drone Services

Photography By Drone